Shop CRESBI Crates - Sun Sugar Farms

CRESBI Crates are awesome for many reasons: they’re a reusable system for carrying your groceries, they save on plastic bags, they save time since you can shop by putting items in your crate with the barcodes up so the checker can scan without removing items, they’re easier to clean and they offer great value with their superior design, thermal insert and made-in-America strap. But. They are a terrible business model because they last too long. And they are way too expensive now to ship from China. As we sell out of our current stock of CRESBI crates and accessories we will not be replacing them. Instead, we will be focusing our efforts on the Sustainable Produce Containers since they’re made here in the USA, they’ve got a whole lot of plastic clamshells to replace, and they’re pretty much single use.

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